Thursday, October 29, 2015

2001 Gahan Wilson's The Kid - The Witch

The Kid is an animated show based on three stories from Gahan Wilson's comic strip "Nuts," about a 10-year-old boy with an overactive imagination. Gahan Wilson is a prominent cartoonist and contemporary artist since the early 1990s, and was known for his uniquely edgy and confrontational style. The show first aired on Showtime in 2001 and is rated TV-MA for crude humor, language and nudity and is intended for mature audiences only.

Three episodes were created titled "The Cat", "The Waitress" and "The Witch." Each cover a variety of topics and learning lessons that the kid and his friends must deal with and face. Topics such as mortality, animal rights, creepy teachers, impressing the opposite sex, pornography, sexism, peer pressure, urban legends and monsters.

The Halloween themed episode is called The Witch. Looking to impress his friends, the kid faces his worst fear and goes trick or treating at the house of a reputed witch, who turns out to be just a kindly old woman who enjoys having visitors. WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! Rated TV-MA. Although this does deal with some childhood lessons, I would urge caution with kids - the language is pretty rough.

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You can watch the other two episodes at this Veoh playlist.

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