Hallows Eve: Slaughter on Second Street is an 2008 independent slasher movie written, directed and produced by PJ Starks and Rodney Newton utilizing only resources local to them, shooting the movie in their local community of Owensboro, Kentucky and making use of the local talent to be the victims of their evil creation. Here is the synopsis:
Days before the annual opening of Slaughter on Second Street, Owensboro’s premiere haunted attraction, a tragedy befalls one of their own. Despite pleas from the manager, Buck Masters, the attraction is shut down until the mystery is solved. In his frustration, Buck devises a plan to get the haunt back on its feet and make some extra money while he’s at it.
Despite its horror cliches and sometimes silly dialouge, the film is a lot of fun and I love the Scooby Doo references. A solid horror film that won’t scare most seasoned horror fans, but should bring a few laughs and applause from fans who love a twist on the typical slasher film. Video was uploaded to Rodney Newton's YouTube channel. Rated TV MA for gore and strong language.
Friday, October 30, 2020
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