Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive-In is a horror host series hosted by "Wolfman" Mac Kelly and his sidekick, Boney Bob, a plastic skeleton purchased from K-Mart. The series aired Saturday nights at 10 pm from March 14, 2008 to October 29, 2011 on various local television stations in Detroit and on the Retro Television Network nationally. The show typically features vintage sci-fi and horror films that are in the public domain, enhanced with retro commercials, nostalgic clips, and skits. Both the cast and crew of the show are volunteers who filmed the show at Erebus Haunted Attraction in Pontiac, MI.
The Halloween episode originally aired October 31, 2009 and featured the 1968 film Night of the Living Dead which has been edited out. Wolfman Mac hands out candy to trick or treaters and later searches for his friends who vanish. This episode also features Lori Wild as Regan, Nina Kircher as Madame Nina, Dean Vanderkolk as Witch Doctor, Adam Showers as Morbid Melvin and Susan Valenti as Rubella.
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- 1985 CBS Storybreak - Witch-Cat
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- 2009 Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive-In
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- 2011 The Dreadful Hallowgreen Special
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