Thursday, October 25, 2018

2007-2008 Chiller's Dare 2 Direct Short Film Festival

Chiller's Dare 2 Direct was a short film contest held in 2007 and again in 2008 by the now defunct Chiller Network, a channel that ceased operations on December 31, 2017 and specialized in horror, thriller and suspense programming and films. Viewers uploaded 300 short films to the Chiller website. The winners received a $5000 prize and Chiller aired the shorts they liked best as a Halloween special on All Hallows Eve.

YouTuber James Coker video-recorded both of these specials back then and edited both of them into an hour long video with the commercials cut out. To those who remember the Chiller Network and the short film contest Halloween specials...Enjoy

Here is the same video but with an introduction by James Coker:

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