Exposure is a short-film oriented science-fiction anthology series that aired on the Sci-Fi Channel between the years of 2000 and 2002. The series showcased the short sci-fi films of both unknown and known (Tim Burton, George Lucas and Kevin Smith) filmmakers, giving rise to the channel's own Exposure Studios. Hosted by actress Lisa Marie, the films presented a wide range of science fiction subject matter.
The series received poor ratings and was canceled in the fall of 2002. The series was originally shown on Sundays at 10:00pm EST and was repeated the following Saturday at 2:00am EST, later on the time was changed to 11:00pm EST and still repeated the following Saturday well after Midnight, which probably is a major reason for the poor ratings this show received.
Deadtime Stories is the 2001 Halloween episode of the series and features the following short films:
"Freak Show" Director: Marcus Wagner"The Lonely Widow" Director: John Gorman
"Fulfilled: A Halloween Story" Director: Stacy Arnold
"Bowlin' Fer Souls" Director: Oliver Wolfson
"Vincent" Director: Tim Burton
That was great! Thanks for posting it. Love shorts, but somehow I missed this show.